Covid-19 Info

Dear Smile Gallery Dental Office Families,

Our first and foremost priority at Smile Gallery Dental is you, our dedicated patients to good health and quality family life.

In the next few months, due to the COVID-19 virus, we will all be exposed to interruptions in our daily life schedules, potential sickness, and uncertainties. Thus, we have a few suggestions to share with our Staff and dental families, in order to stay vigilant, safe and healthy.

First of all, our office will be available to meet everyone's urgent dental needs and services. We would like to reassure everyone that infection control in our office is always a top priority and will continue to be so. In order to continue to protect our patients and staff, we strictly adhere to sterilization and cross contamination practices, following standards recommended by the American Dental Association (A.D.A.), California Dental Association (C.D.A.), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (O.S.H.A.), and the Center for Disease Control (C.D.C.).

Next, we suggest that if you feel ill, or suspect that you have been in close contact with individuals who are sick, that you give us notice to reschedule your appointments. According to the C.D.C. the COVID-19 virus is mainly transmitted through airborne particles, so if you have a cough, fever, and a cold, don't hesitate to call our office Staff to reschedule your appointment. Since we do have a busy schedule, it will help us accommodate everyone, if you are able to inform our Staff, as soon as possible of any reschedules. Prompt reschedules will allow us to treat patients, who may have been waiting for an opening or an appointment spot in our schedule. Likewise, any opening or available appointments you or other patients need are accessible in the near future.

Third, our Staff continually strive to attend to our patients in a timely manner. Arriving 10.0 to 15.0 mins. early to fill out necessary forms shortens the time you and other patients spend in the reception room. As patients arrive on time or a few minutes late, this tends to cause delays. Arriving 10.0 to 15.0 mins. early for your appointments will tremendously help alleviate unnecessary conditions for everyone in our dental family.

Last but not least, please don't hesitate to contact our Staff, if you have been diagnosed as immune compromised or have health complications by your medical professional, which would put you at high risk, if you contract the COVID-19 virus. Our Staff is available to everyone to make sure, that we address your specific medical needs and we are taking the utmost care of each and everyone in our dental family. Everyone of you has made our Family Cosmetic Restorative Dental practice special and great through all these years. We will do whatever is necessary to reassure our office is a safe and a healthy environment for everyone.

I urge you to make sure that everyone follows the C.D.C.'s current recommendations of good rest, healthy diet, social gatherings of less than 50 people, and vigilant hand washing with soap and warm water for a minimum of 20.0 secs. as needed.

Thank you all for making Smile Gallery Dental Office part of your dental family.

Yours in dental health and God bless everyone,

Dr. Datu and Staff